House Blessing - Blessing New Construction | Video (WP Blog Archive August 2020)

House Blessing - Blessing New Construction | Video (WP Blog Archive August 2020)

House Blessing

House blessings exist in some form in every culture. For some it is simply placing a good luck charm into their home, vehicles, and/or on their person. Others perform extensive rituals to bless their space.

Let me start by saying that there is no wrong way to bless your home. I repeat. There is no wrong way to do a blessing. Just go with what feels right at the time.

These blessings are all about setting an intention and what we are focusing on while doing them. Those things that we are concentrating on are being drilled into our own subconscious during this process. It is my belief that I'm setting myself onto this path by this method as I'lll subconsciously continue to take steps to meet those intentions.

What makes this an Extreme House Blessing?

I've dubbed it the extreme house blessing. Why? Because we are embedding the blessing kit into the very foundation of our home, and creating a permanent grid in the house made up of focal objects to help manifest the intention that we're setting. It sounds a little hokey, but it can't hurt.
So, what do you need for an extreme house blessing? A sigil, some stones, trinkets, & candles. If you'd like to place a sigil in the center of your home like I did, you can watch this video on how I created an intention for anyone who will ever live in the home.

Sigil after House Blessing
The intention placed in the center of the home just before we buried it.


Your candles are going to be placed in the 4 corners of the home, as well as the heart of the home next to your sigil/intention if you're using one. At this point, you will light your candles to begin the blessing. In our case, we are using the green candles at the 4 corners and a blue at the center of the home. Mostly this is done due to lack of candles, but at the time it seemed to be the thing to do.

  • Green - Earth, Growth, Money, Fertility (in new ventures, not just babies)
  • Blue - Peace - Protection


For this blessing, we're also going to sage. While this is not a necessary step for brand new construction, we are deciding that it can't possibly hurt the process.

In existing spaces sage is used to purify the space and to clear out unwanted energy or leftover emotions. It's good to use sage if your space is feeling "icky" or if you begin to start feeling stuck.

Cedar is perfect for new spaces, and new ventures in life, and sweetgrass will bring positive energy into the space.

When you are smudging your home, make sure that you get the smoke up into the corners of the space. Again, you're thinking very hard about your intention.

If your space is feeling like it's filled with "icky" energy or you're feeling stuck, then focus hard on chasing all unwanted energy out of the house. You can start in the back corner of the home, make your way across the house towards the front, and then take the smoke out the front door.


While we are smudging the space, we are also dropping salt at each of the columns. Again, this step isn't necessary on brand new construction, but we feel as if it can't hurt. The salt is used to purify a space and is often used to close a circle in many types of rituals and castings. It is also traditionally used for healing and blessing. In this case we are using epsom salt, and we are placing the salt at the base of the columns while we are smudging, and before we place the stones and trinkets. In an existing home, you can get one of those aluminum pie or loaf tins, place a small handful of blessing salt in the center, cover with rubbing alcohol, and set fire to it. Let it burn until the alcohol has burned off. In the past I have placed the tin on a cookie sheet or cement block for extra insulation. Always keep the proper fire extinguisher handy.


You should place the stones in your foundation. In our case, we have a post and pier foundation with many columns. In a traditional foundation slab or basement I would place the items in a grid pattern at even intervals. In an existing home, I will be placing the stones in the 4 corners of my home on each level. I will likely be purchasing more stones and placing them in each floor in the corresponding spot to the columns. You know, just to be extra.

  • Clear Quartz - clears away negative and unwanted energy, allowing focus and stability
  • Citrine - positive, healing energy that also promotes psychic awareness, clarity and creativity. Carry the energy of prosperity, opportunity & wealth
  • Rose Quartz - Love, friendship, peace, happiness and fidelity in established relationships. Also helps with grief, heartache, loss.
  • Amethyst - peace, happiness and love, promotes courage. Carries the energy of protection and psychic ability
  • Aventurine - good luck stone that attracts money, peace, healing and happiness, and carry the energy of abundance
  • Howlite - absorbs stress and tension and fosters creativity
  • Snowflake Obsidian - calming and soothing. peace and strong protection against negativity. It is often used to sort out jumbled thoughts and calm the subconscious mind.
  • Tigers Eye - wealth, good luck, and strength, & carries the energy of health and wellness
  • Sodalite - logic, truth and inner peace. It is a meditative stone that heals emotional related diseases, nervousness and stress.
  • Peacock Ore - happiness and joy, it is said to turn you in positive directions, and help channel happiness to others; generally a stone of uplifting your spirits.
  • Fluorite - “helping” stone that clears jumbled thoughts to gain a better perspective, and strengthens the powers of other stones it is worn with.
  • Jasper - keeps us more present in our own physical bodies and attuned to nature, as well as brings protection and good fortune to the wearer


Trinkets are going to be placed in the foundation along with your stones. You should be carry them around in your pocket for a day or two in order for them to become attuned to your energy.

If there's more than one person living in the home, then divide up your trinkets between everyone and take turns carrying each set of trinkets.

In an existing home, I would be placing those trinkets over the main entrance to my home.

  • Shark Tooth - Protection of the home and those who dwell there. Pick up the shark tooth and direct your positive feelings toward the tooth. Meditate briefly on how you will feel with secure and stable life.
  • Bean - wishes for the future. growth. Pick up the wishing bean and direct your positive feelings toward the bean. Meditate briefly on how you will feel with a life full of love and then make a wish.
  • Butterfly - Pick up the butterfly and direct your positive feelings of good health in the body, spirit and mind toward the butterfly object. (we used butterfly beads)
  • Heart - Represents Ali and what she is bringing to the blessing and intention. What symbol most represents you?
  • Skull - Represents Mike and what he is bringing to the blessing and intention. What symbols appear in your life or have special meaning for you?
  • Feather - representing all of the animals that make their home throughout the land.
  • Pinecone - representing all of the flora throughout the land.

Links. Get your own extreme house blessing on!

You can purchase your own Blessing Kit by visiting Kim's website.
Did you know that you can also clear your own energy and bless yourself while showering? Use our Sage & Cedar Soap!
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